Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Today I would like to talk about my life in GLPS.

Firstly, this is my dorm. I took this picture at the first day of the camp. I use my dorm with one friend, "Jeeyoung-U". There is more friends next to our room. Between the two rooms, there is a bathroom which is big enough for 5 people to use. I liked the dorm because it was big and nice.

This is the picture of the dinner time. Foods were delicious here. Also I liked the way to eat with my friends. However, the bad thing is that everyone is doing their phones while they eat. Almost everyone has smartphones, but I don't. So during the dinner time, it is quite boring because nobody talks. I wish I had a smartphone!

This is when class 5-8 went skiing. We go skiing at Wednesday afternoon. I went there, too. We learned how to ski even though we knew I to ski. So there was no free time to ski by ourselves. It was quite boring, but still it was fun that I was skiing with my friends. Also, it was fun riding down the slope. I want to ride it again!

This was the day after the pop-song contest. Despite we didn't won the contest, because we did very well, our class(class 6) had a snack party. It was good because in this camp, we can rarely eat snacks. But this day, we ate many snacks and I was happy. I believe that other classmates were happy that time, too.

We also had a dance party at January 18th. Everyone had a fun time. People danced on stage. Also, teachers danced, too. They were very good at dancing. Some teachers sang a song. It was awesome. After the stage was over, there was a free dancing time. But students just followed teachers to see them dance. Well, some students danced. Still it was a fun party~

The next day of the dance party, our room PA bought us Ttocbocki. I really wanted to eat this before because there was no place to buy this food around KMLA. It was terribly hot. Not only my room but the next roommates also ate with us. There were 10 people eating this. We though the amount was too little, but because it was very hot, everyone gave up eating it. It was still very delicious. Thank you teacher for buying this for us!

I am hoping what will happen next at GLPS. But the time is almost finished in this camp. Because there are only 4 days left! I think I made many memories from here.
This camp was very good!


  1. When I heard that Sunnie and Class 6 had a snack party after Popsong Contest, I thought it was a great idea. Although Class 6 did not win a prize, I am certain that you deserve a party because you guys did such a great job. Thank you for writing a great photo essay which tells about your personal experiences in GLPS. It seems that you are having a great time! :)

  2. Entered my comment
    That 떡볶이 was really spicy!

  3. Great pictures Daeun, Hope you enjoyed your experience learning how to blog. Keep up the good work.
